“Mommy Knows Best” :AllAboutKiids

I have two lovely kids son and a daughter aged 6 & 8 respectively & have ensured that I have raised them with utmost care,love and affection as a result they are full of self-esteem and confidence.I love to do less correcting & more connecting all the time with my kids & more hugging and less tugging with them.My love is really unconditional and my kids are like great friends to me and disclose everything to me openly without any fear.I believe of all the rights of women,greatest is to be a mother and my kids have a great loving and caring father who makes sure that they never do anything unethical & follow high moral values. I think that my kids have given me several wonderful #Khulke Jiyo moment but there are few those ones which are etched in my mind. The first time when my daughter while dancing on a stage pulled me in and made me to dance along with her like a free child and then there was this moment when she tried to cook food for me when...