#WHATTHEBLACK - A Journey with Black

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Black is color which signifies mystery.Black denotes strength and authority.
Black color is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color and everybody like to own black tie, black Mercedes,black dress but my wish list is quite different.
I am a travel freak and love to visit mysterious places to unveil the history. I want to experience these five below things on my adventurous Journey which are black in color to accomplish a dream journey of my life to unexplored lands.

(1)  Black Gum Boots.I
needs a pair of great value black color gumboots as it will go with any color outfit because Black is the universal color and it is must for every traveler.

(2) I have seen first time Black color Aircraft when I was travelling form Abu Dhabi to Delhi.I know that the Journey of  Aircraft is royal but in Black color it was looking elegant,since that day I love Black aircrafts and want to visit the land of black sea Turkey on the Etihad Airways flight as it is Black in color and that is the too appealing to me to resist.

 (3) After Reaching Turkey I want to explore the Black sea on a Black Yacht.I really want to have authentic sailing experience and an exclusive Black yacht that meets even the highest of expectations.

(4) I want to sail in a Black yacht over black sea to reach the Black forest with black binoculars in Germany.There I would love to enjoy great scenery like mountains,greenery,creatures and will enjoy the scenic beauty with the help of black binoculars.

(5) I want to ride on a Black colored horse in a Black forest in Germany and this would be my dream voyage.This is not a style.. its a passion!I would love to ride a Black color horse.

These five black things are my deepest desires and wish to fulfill all of them during this life time.

This post is a part of #WhatTheBlack activity at BlogAdda.com


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