
Every child has his/her own dreams and aspirations and many of them surely aspire to be an Astronaut as well. These specially designed Colgate packs though may look ordinary but have the power to fuel the passion of several Indian kids to feel and imagine how being in space would actually be.

This amazing activity of making cut out from the Colgate packs and creating a magical stories and experienees of being in space is a wonderful concept for which the brand efforts deserve to be applauded.

My kids too had lots of brainstorming and creative discussions among themselves while creating their own unique stories with these packs and looking at them as a parents during this activity makes me feel very proud.

My daughter wants to be an Astronaut so today she got a chance to live in her imagination to fulfill her dream with the help of Colgate. She said me "Mom today I am going to space Do you wanna come with me? "

My daughter was ready with her clothes and taking her best friend along with him as he also wants to be an Astronaut. Here is my video story narrated by my daughter

Oh My God what an imagination!!!. Nothing could be better than this. This is truly amazing Thanks Colgate for this wonderful opportunity.

Children using the same pieces would weave multiple stories from their imagination of being in space and this would surely motivate them to achieve their dream one day. Being in space with zero gravity wearing the Astronaut suits and floating up in the air are some thoughts that would give goosebumps to every child.

Three different packs and millions of children are going to weave billons of dreams and stories which would surely be something to look out for so stay tuned and enjoy the space experience at home.......

 “I’m blogging my #ColgateMagicalstories at BlogAdda in association with Colgate.


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