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#LoveJatao With Parachute Advansed.

As we celebrate Mother's day, father's' day and even Teacher's Day so we must really celebrate Grandparents Day as well because Grandparents are someone with whom you can share and say whatever you feel like which you otherwise can't share with your mom,dad or friends.

 My Grand Mom is the coolest and Best Mom in the World because she does less correcting & more connecting & more hugging and less tugging all the time with me.Her love is really unconditional for me & she always make sure that I never do anything unethical & follow high moral values to lead a life with high self esteem.She is my role model.My GrandMom possesses certain qualities that I admire. She is loving, caring, selfless, hard-working.She displays good moral values, and she has taught me important life lessons. She has been very patient with me.I always share my daily activities, new hobbies, new friends, and details of my life with her. I always express my wishes, and make her familiar with my goals and dreams.                                                       On this Grandparents Day I will give her a nice hand made bookmark as a token of my love and respect for her as she loves reading Ramayana. This day I will treat my Grand Mom very well and pamper her by gifting her a nice saree also by giving her treat at Restaurant with her favourite Sizzlers along with the Movie and shopping. I am sure she will enjoy this day a lot and I am going to get all her blessings. After all, no one can be a better friend than Granny.On this Day I will tell her that she's the best Granny in the World.

I surely believe in Love at First Sight as My Granny was the first person whom I saw when I opened my eyes for the first time and truly I am in deep love with her since then. I always believe in doing my best in whatever way I can to ensure that little happiness and see that cute smile on her face. This Grandparent's Day  I really wish to fulfill her dream of visiting the pilgrimage of Vaishno Devi Shrine on a flight from Delhi & then a Helicopter ride that she has been planning to undertake for a very long time as she is too old to walk the entire Pilgrimage!! I wish to see that feeling of this great accomplishment of her offering her prayers there and seeing that big smile after it. And then giving me all her blessings as I strongly believe I always need them. I just wish to make her this dream true this year!!!

I look forward to hear from you how would you celebrate Grandparents Day. Do share a selfie with your grandparents on Sept. 10, 2017 on Twitter or Facebook with #LoveJatao & tag @blogadda to win a goodie from Parachute Advansed.


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